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Somatic movements are sequences of movements that allow one to release tension and holding patterns within their body. 


We know that tension, stress, trauma and holding patterns can impact the function of the pelvic floor


For example, if we are in a state of “fight or flight” our breathing becomes more shallow, and the respiratory diaphragm can not optimally function.  As a direct result, our pelvic floor also tightens. 


Or perhaps we grip our abdominals (lower belly) or glut (butt muscles) without even knowing it in our day to day activities, which can also tighten the pelvic floor, creating a myriad of symptoms one may experience (incontinence, pain).


Perhaps we over (or under) recruit certain areas that create dysfunction in the pelvic floor and associated areas


A lot of the times these can be subconscious patterns that our bodies have learned to create a sense of protection and stability.  Somatic movements are a way of unlocking some of these patterns and reorganizing our bodies in a way that helps all areas (pelvic floor included) function optimally. 


Somatic movements can help to access deeper areas of habitual holding patterns that can be created by stress, trauma and or injury. 


Once released through short daily practices, the body can have more freedom of movement.  Further somatic practices can then focus on effectively strengthening patterns that can help the body stay balanced and strong across the lifespan.


Somatic movement can be considered a movement form of hands on therapy (such as myofascial release), but the client is creating their own releases of tension and pain through short daily practices and not as dependent on a therapist doing this for them.   


By practicing a somatic routine consistently, the body will relearn to move in ways that feel better and easier.  It will also help to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system, creating a state of deeper relaxation and rest as well as get the body ready for new learning. 

This can help your pelvic floor symptoms as well as manage stress better, feel more productive and maintain energy levels throughout the day.



During a pelvic floor/somatic session, you will learn how to:  

How to help pelvic floor issues by releasing areas of tension in and around the pelvic floor and associated areas.

How to feel a greater sense of ease and movement in their hips, pelvis, spine and neck and learn how it relates to pelvic floor function

How to unlock holding patterns that may limit flexibility and core engagement in a workout and daily living tasks.

How to further enhance an ease of movement into your workout or daily activities so you can strengthen and stretch even more effectively.

How to feel into a sense of deep rest and rejuvenation (activating the parasympathetic nervous system, getting out of the “flight or fight” response)


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